The Artic Tern Project has come to a bittersweet end. Builder Peter Gron began his final entry thus:
"Alula’s crowning glory this last year was winning the “Best Tabloid Cruiser” award at the Victoria Classic Boat Festival (their parlance for “Best Small Cruiser – Sail”). I hadn’t even planned on entering, but the positive response to Alula from the general public attending the show was so overwhelming that I thought, “Why Not?”
But even more glorious than her award was her astounding journey from Gabriola Island to Victoria to attend the show. She made it in only two days, all under sail.
The final leg of which was reaching down the Strait of Juan de Fuca in 25+ knots of wind, bounding across the ocean swells, before turning down-wind and surfing into Victoria harbour wing-on-wing. She sailed like a true champion on that trip."
Read on for Gron's final words and the difficult decision he had to make to put Alula up for sale. How true that on the Artic Tern Project, it was indeed about the journey and not the destination. I hope you enjoyed reading about it, I certainly did.